
01.06.2024 | Loans in Latvia | Comment 1
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saņemt kredītu



Summa: 400౼4000 EUR
Termiņš: 2౼60 mēneši
Likme: 58.53 % GPL
Vecums: 19౼75 gadi

Amount: 400౼4000 EUR
Term: 2౼60 months
Interest: 58.53 % APR
Age: 19౼75 years

Piemērs: Ja tiek izņemta summa € 1.000,00 apmērā, GPL ir 58.53%, procentu likme gadā ir fiksēta 46.98% un kopējā atmaksājamā summa ir € 1.254,45. Šis piemērs ir balstīts uz pieņēmumu, ka kredīts tiek atmaksāts 12 maksājumos. Aizdevumam nav citu papildu procentu vai komisiju. Piemērs balstīts uz pieņēmumu, ka kredīts tiek atdots laikā. Minimālais atmaksas termiņš 61 dienas. Maksimālais atmaksas termiņš ir 60 mēneši. Nekādu slēptu izmaksu! Naudas izmaksa uzreiz, naudas izņemšana 0€.

Ferratum – short-term solution for a range of financial situations.

Ferratum Group is an international micro-credit company. In 2005 Ferratum Group the first company to begin using mobile technology in the lending, allowing each client to easily and conveniently arrange short-term loan by sending a simple SMS message. Ferratum Group is currently engaged in financial activities in 20 countries around the world, and is proud to be serving more than 1.5 million customers.



We have a clear vision of Ferratum and services that we offer. We believe that our products and services can benefit many customers in many countries. Today, we are widely trusted by our clients and business partners because of our reliable and transparent services, our professional and ethical behavior, as well as quick solutions for customers’ convenience.

phone Phone: 67280515
email Email: info@ferratum.lv
web Website: www.ferratum.lv

Can I get a loan?

To get the loan you need to be a permanent resident of the Republic of Latvia aged 19 to 75 years old with a permanent monthly income, to have an open account at a bank in Latvia to have a personal mobile phone number. Tak, we will evaluate your credit history and ability to pay.

How quickly the loan is credited to my account?

After that, verify that you provide during registration information, our operator will contact you on the phone and in case of a positive decision amount will be credited to your account immediately. The decision to grant the loan and remittance into your account are made only during the working hours of our company.

Is it possible to extend the date of payment of the loan?

Ferratum offers an extension of payment of the loan for a period of 7 to 30 days. Extending the loan can be issued in a personal profile: extend the loan maybe 2 times; extend the loan is possible, if after the expiry of your loan in less than 7 days; information on the number of extensions can see your profile, created for the convenience of our customers; that extension was carried out, be sure to pay the amount of time for the extension; extension prohibited for consumer loans.

Do I have the right to repay the loan ahead of schedule?

Yes. You have the right to repay the loan in full or partially in advance, informing us in writing and will be notified by mail within 5 (five) working days.

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Comments: 1
  1. иван says:

    Если вы берете 300€ в месяц надо платить 30€. Из этих 30€ только 8 идут на погашение долга остальные в карман фирмы.

Every loan - it is a financial liability. Soberly assess your opportunities, borrow money responsibly! Before making a loan, carefully read all the nuances.