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gauti paskolą



Suma: 300౼25000 EUR
Terminas: 12౼84 mėnesių
Palūkanos: 17.76౼63.97 % BVKKMN
Amžius: nuo 18 metai

Amount: 300౼25000 EUR
Term: 12౼84 months
Interest: 17.76౼63.97 % APR
Age: from 18 years

Pavyzdys: Paskolos suma: 5000€. Paskolos terminas: 36 mėn. Fiksuotoji metinė palūkanų norma: 10%. Vienkartinis sutarties sudarymo mokestis: 4%. Mėnesinis administravimo mokestis: 0.37%. BVKKMN (Bendroji vartojimo kredito kainos metinė norma): 17.76%. Eilinės mėnesio įmokos suma: 168.67€. Jums pervedama paskolos suma: 4800.00€. Visa grąžinama paskolos suma: 6072.23€. Vienkartinis kredito vertinimo mokestis: 20€. Konkretų paskolos pasiūlymą kiekvienam klientui pateikiame individualiai, įvertinę jo galimybes grąžinti paskolą.

FinBee – Loans cheaper from people!

Finbee is an online lending platform created in 2015. Our goal is to become the leading peer-to-peer lending company in Lithuania. All financial transactions between investors and borrowers are performed through our payment partner JSC “Elektroninių pinigų bitė”. In order to protect our clients, we keep clients’ funds in segregated bank account.



Finbee is a peer-to-peer (P2P) lending and crowdfunding platform that connects those who want to borrow with those who are looking for diverse investment opportunities. Peer-2-peer (P2P) lending platform is the place where people lend money to other people. P2P lending helped to create more innovative and transparent ways to borrow and lend money.

phone Phone: +370 5219 9529
email Email:
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Welcoming community

Our friendly group of honey bees will greet you with a smile and a warm embrace. We’re no bank. If you borrow from Finbee – you’re borrowing from diligent and honest people like yourself.Your peers will also offer you better terms: lower APR and a repayment plan that suits your needs.

Honey-sweet terms and conditions

Flexible conditions that take into account possible change of personal circumstances. You may bring forward the loan repayment date free of charge.

Who can apply for a loan at Finbee?

Only Lithuanian residents can apply for a loan at Finbee. Person applying for a loan must: work in Lithuania; have a credit history in Lithuania; have a permanent residence permit; a personal bank account in one of Lithuanian banks.

I have completed a loan application, how long will it take for the loan to be transferred to my bank account?

We make a decision to issue a loan within 1 day, and we repay the loan to you no later than 2-3 business days after signing the loan agreement. If the loan amount exceeds 5,000 euros, it may take up to a week for the loan to be disbursed.

Can I repay the loan ahead of schedule?

Yes, you can repay the loan early. To find out the exact amount of the loan to be repaid, please contact us by email.

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Every loan - it is a financial liability. Soberly assess your opportunities, borrow money responsibly! Before making a loan, carefully read all the nuances.