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gauti paskolą



Suma: 500౼3000 EUR
Terminas: 10౼37 mėnesių
Palūkanos: 26.4౼84.7 % BVKKMN
Amžius: nuo 18 metai

Amount: 500౼3000 EUR
Term: 10౼37 months
Interest: 26.4౼84.7 % APR
Age: from 18 years

Pavyzdys: 1 500 € paskolos efektyvi metinė palūkanų norma (GPL) yra 65,14%. Skaičiuojant atsižvelgiama į 29 % metinę palūkanų normą bei į paskolos administravimo mokestį – 5,95 EUR per mėnesį. Tuomet, bendra paskolos ir paskolos išlaidų suma yra 2 477,11 €, iš viso įmokų – 36, o vieno mėnesio įmoka – 68,81 €. Administravimo mokestis: 5,00 – 10,00 eurų per mėnesį. Bendra vartojimo kredito kainos metinė norma (BVKKMN/APR): 26,4 – 84,7 %. Paskolos laikotarpis: 10 – 37 mėnesių. Mėnesinė įmoka 29,00 – 239,00 eurų.

Saldo – The right financial decision!

Saldo Finance is a responsible lender operating in Lithuania, Sweden and Finland. With over a decade of experience in responsible lending, we have been able to find innovative, responsible lending solutions for private and business clients. Saldo Finance is different in that it can provide loans on fast, good and reliable terms. You can always trust your scale! The lending process is fully automated. This allows you to fill out an application in less than a minute.



Saldo is a reliable and respected financial partner with over ten years of experience. Our activities are controlled by the Bank of Lithuania, therefore, the process of granting loans is regulated by legal acts and supervised by the relevant authorized institutions of the Republic of Lithuania.

phone Phone: +37060445179
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How quickly can I get a consumer loan?

An automated balancing system will provide you with a consumer loan within a few minutes after filling out your application. This is one of the fastest ways to get funding!

What is the maximum amount I can borrow?

The maximum balance of a consumer loan / loan is EUR 3,000. However, depending on your financial situation, we can provide you with a lower amount. To find out how much you can borrow, fill out the application, and we will prepare an individual offer in no time!

Can I get a loan without fixed income?

In some cases, we may provide loans to people with no fixed income. However, you must still complete an application to receive a response.

Can I get more than one loan or credit?

Actually so. If you meet the solvency criteria and do business responsibly, Saldo Finance can provide you with more than one loan or loan. All you need to do is fill out an application form on our website.

Can I get a loan without knowing my personal identification number?

Unfortunately, in order to assess your ability to pay, we need to verify your identity, therefore your personal identification number is also required.

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Every loan - it is a financial liability. Soberly assess your opportunities, borrow money responsibly! Before making a loan, carefully read all the nuances.