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saņemt kredītu



Summa: 100౼5000 EUR
Termiņš: 2౼120 mēneši
Likme: 0౼53.9 % GPL
Vecums: 20౼70 gadi

Amount: 100౼5000 EUR
Term: 1౼120 months
Interest: 0౼53.9 % APR
Age: 20౼70 years

Piemērs: Jaunajiem klientiem pirmajam aizdevumam 300€ apmērā procenti par aizdevuma lietošanu pirmajās 30 dienās ir 0€, aizdevuma procentu likme 39.60% gadā, GPL ir 43.30%. Kopā atmaksājamā summa ir 300€. Esošajiem klientiem, aizņemoties 100€ uz 12 mēnešiem, atmaksu veicot 12 maksājumos ar aizņēmuma likmi mēnesī 3.6%. Aizņēmuma likme gadā 43.20%, maksimālā gada procentu likme 53.90%, kopējā atmaksājamā summa 124.91€, ja tiek ievēroti līguma noteikumi.

ViaSMS – loan to salary quickly and easily!

Choose the amount and term of the home page VIASMS. Click the “Get Credit” and follow the instructions VIASMS! Your request will be instantly approved. Money to your account after the decision to issue the loan will be listed in a few minutes. Use loan to implement their plans. Reach the desired with loan VIA SMS.



The main purpose VIA SMS is to provide accessible financial services that meet the comfort and needs of customers. We make sure that the procedure for obtaining the loan took place quickly and without unnecessary formalities. We are committed to understanding the needs of each client and to provide a positive open cooperation.

phone Phone: 67212412
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How much I can borrow?

The loan amount depends on your solvency and credit history in SIA VIA SMS. The minimum possible loan amount is 100 EUR and the maximum amount is 5000 EUR. You also have the option to apply for an additional amount to an existing loan, even when it has not yet been fully repaid.

How long to wait for a decision on a loan?

You will receive an SMS message with the decision on your mobile phone as soon as the credit committee will take a decision on your loan.

How much is the extension of the term of the loan?

The fee for the extension depends on the loan amount and the period for which the loan payment will be delayed. To delay repayment of the loan can for 7, 14 or 30 days. Go into the customer profile that you read the calculated fees for renewal. The fee for the extension depends on the loan amount and term for which is delayed repayment of the loan.

How estimated my creditworthiness?

To assess the creditworthiness of the client, we use the database of the State Social Insurance Agency (VSAA), additional information is obtained from the companies that process the data delays on payments of physical persons in the Republic of Latvia, as we consider the database “VIA SMS” with the generalized information about customers.

How quickly the loan amount will be transferred to my bank account?

If you have an account with one of the following banks: DNB banka, Nordea Bank, Citadele banka, Swedbank, Norvik banka, the necessary amount will be in your account as quickly as possible. If your account is with another bank, the required amount will be in your account within one to three days of receipt of your application for a loan.

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Every loan - it is a financial liability. Soberly assess your opportunities, borrow money responsibly! Before making a loan, carefully read all the nuances.