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saņemt kredītu



Summa: 50౼25000 EUR
Termiņš: 3౼120 mēneši
Likme: līdz 136.85 % GPL
Vecums: 18౼75 gadi

Amount: 50౼25000 EUR
Term: 3౼120 months
Interest: up to 136.85 % APR
Age: 18౼75 years

Piemērs: Ja tiek izņemta summa 200€ apmērā, GPL ir 108,69%, procentu likme gadā ir 81,94% un kopējā atmaksājamā summa ir 292,44€. Šis piemērs ir balstīts uz pieņēmumu, ka kredīts tiek atmaksāts 14 vienādos maksājumos, mēnesī maksājot 20€ un 15. mēnesī 12,44€. Maksimālā GPL likme ir 136,85%. Jauniem klientiem kredītlimits līdz 5000 €. Un bezprocentu periods vai 0% komisijas maksa. Kredītlīnijas minimālais atmaksas termiņš ir 3 mēneši, maksimālais atmaksas termiņš ir 120 mēneši.

SosCredit – No guarantor and collateral up to € 1500!

Credit limit for new clients up to 1000 €. And no interest period or 0% commission. SosCredit credit line is a loan with a set available limit amount, however, without a fixed repayment schedule, you can set the repayment schedule yourself by choosing a monthly payment. A line of credit is a great solution when you pay interest only on the amount you spent.



We are always ready to help if you urgently need money: Transfer money to any bank account in Latvia; Fast decision making; We issue loans with a good credit history; Without collateral and surety. You can receive money repeatedly as many times as necessary within the limit. With each bill payment, the available credit line amount is renewed.

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Can I get a line of credit?

The line of credit can be obtained from the age of 18 to 75. In order to apply for a credit line, you need to be solvent and have a bank account in any credit institution in Latvia, a mobile phone. It is necessary to fill out the application form (for new clients to make a registration payment), wait for the decision, which will be reported by the service specialist, and / or receive it in the form of an SMS message, and / or by e-mail.

Is a bond or guarantor required?

There is no need for a guarantor or collateral to obtain a credit line.

What is a commission-free credit line?

For new customers, the first 60 days can be offered commission-free. It means. there will be no commission for the first 60 days.

What should I do if I cannot pay the money within the specified period?

The credit line must be repaid according to the schedule, in case of non-compliance with the payment schedule, penalty interest will be applied. In case of a delay in repayment of the loan, please contact customer service.

Why was my application for a line of credit declined?

An application for a line of credit may be rejected if the information provided is incorrect or entered in the wrong order, the applicant has outstanding debt obligations.

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Every loan - it is a financial liability. Soberly assess your opportunities, borrow money responsibly! Before making a loan, carefully read all the nuances.