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Summa: 50౼5000 EUR
Periood: 1౼36 kuud
Aastaintress: 56 % KKM
Vanus: alates 18 aastat

Amount: 50౼5000 EUR
Term: 1౼36 months
Interest: 56 % APR
Age: from 18 years

Laenunäide: Krediidi kulukuse määr on 56,00% aastas järgmistel näidistingimustel: krediidilimiit 2000,00 €, laenuperiood 12 kuud, fikseeritud intressimäär 45,30%. Laenates näidistingimustel 2000,00 € perioodiks 12 kuud, on ühe kuumakse suurus 210,33 €, tagasimaksete summa 2523,96 € ja tarbija poolt makstav kogusumma 2523,96 €.

CreditStar – Personal credit account!

International finance company Creditstar Group is one of the pioneers of non-bank petty financing in Estonia. We have been innovators since 2006. We will remain them in the future. We deliver affordable, flexible and understandable financial products to the market that meet the expectations and needs of our clients. We give the user of our service a sense of confidence about unexpected costs and allow them to use profitable buying opportunities exactly when they are most needed.



Personal credit account Creditstar is like a virtual credit card. This solution – an online loan – will give you the opportunity to make profitable purchases and a feeling of confidence in respect of unexpected expenses. A credit account is opened free of charge, and you submit an application for using the account only when there is a need for additional money. Payment is made when the account is already in use, and it is charged only from the amount that you are spending at the moment.

phone Phone: +372 644 0467
email Email:
web Website: creditstar

I would like to open a personal credit account. What conditions must be fulfilled for this?

To open a personal credit account, you must be a citizen of the Republic of Estonia or have a permanent residence permit in Estonia. In addition, you must have been at least 18 years old. Opening an account is free.

When will the money be credited to my bank account?

Creditstar Estonia AS maintains accounts with all major Estonian banks, therefore, in case of a positive response to the application for using a credit account, it is highly likely that the loan amount will be transferred to your bank account as an intra-bank payment. The receipt of such a payment usually takes no more than 15 minutes, although this may also depend on the current operating conditions of the banks themselves.

Can I take an additional loan amount from my credit account before the used loan amount is repaid according to the schedule?

You can apply at any time for additional use of your credit account in the amount of the residual amount, which you will see if you log into your account at creditstar. A more precise additional amount requires a separate application.

If I want to receive additional money from the credit account, then it is necessary to pay the current fee for the already used loan amount. What is this amount?

This is the fee from the date you made your previous monthly payment to the date you applied for additional money. Or if you have not yet reached the deadline for making a monthly payment for the used loan amount, then from the date of taking this loan amount until the date of filing an application for additional money. For example, if you want to additionally use your credit account 5 days after making the 2nd monthly payment, then you need to pay for these 5 days that have passed from the date of the previous monthly payment to the date of filing an application for receiving additional money.

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Every loan - it is a financial liability. Soberly assess your opportunities, borrow money responsibly! Before making a loan, carefully read all the nuances.