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Summa: 50౼10000 EUR
Periood: 3౼120 kuud
Aastaintress: 8౼50 %
Vanus: alates 18 aastat

Amount: 50౼10000 EUR
Term: 3౼120 months
Interest: 8౼50 %
Age: from 18 years

Laenunäide: 1000€ laenamisel 3 aastaks on kuumakse 37,16€. Krediidi kulukuse määr 23,70%. 3 aasta jooksul maksate kokku 1357,89€, mis koosneb intressist 337,89€ (määraga 20%) ja 20€ suurusest lepingutasust. Laen läheb teile 3 aasta jooksul maksma 357,89€. Teile pakutavad tingimused sõltuvad teie maksevõimest ja –käitumisest. Laenusumma 50 kuni 10 000 eurot. Laenuperiood 3 kuni 120 kuud. Krediidi kulukuse määr 8% kuni 50%.

Omaraha – Up to 10 000€ quickly and reliably!

Internet-based services: you don’t even need to leave your home in order to take a loan or manage it; flexibility: the ability to find short- and long-term loans of the required amount; freedom to decide for yourself what to use the money for; friendly and professional attitude that allows finding a solution to any problem.



Choose your desired amount and loan term and the portal will make you the best available offer. In case you do not agree with the interest rate offered to you by the portal, you can create your own offer and set it pending for a week. As soon as a suitable offer appears, the portal will automatically conculde an agreement on your behalf and transfer the borrowed amount to your virtual account. In order to get a loan, your credit score must be above 600.

phone Phone: 58 070 613
email Email:
web Website: omaraha

What is a credit limit and a free limit?

The credit limit is the largest loan amount that you can get through the portal. The limit depends on your rating and the balance of loans received, on the basis of which the portal calculates your free limit. The limit for short-term loans is usually less than long-term loans.

What is a rating?

Rating is a numerical indicator that characterizes the likelihood of loan repayment. When calculating the rating, the portal primarily uses the databases of the register of payment violations Krediidiinfo and leasing Liisi, as well as data on the workplace, wages, marital status, real estate, etc. Future borrower. If necessary, a bank statement is requested. The higher the rating, the higher the likelihood that the loan will be repaid without irregularities.

What is a virtual account?

This is an account through which you can transfer money to the portal and withdraw money from the portal. If you take a loan, then the money goes to the virtual account and through it you need to make repayments. The virtual account also receives repayments for the loans you borrowed. Investing through a virtual account is not carried out.

How quickly are payments made?

The portal’s account is at SEB bank. We make payments during business hours every two hours, in the evenings and on weekends every three hours. We do not carry out transfers at night. SEB promises to make intra-bank payments within an hour, but as a rule, they are made immediately. Including at night and on weekends. SEB transfers money to other banks 5 times a day.

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Every loan - it is a financial liability. Soberly assess your opportunities, borrow money responsibly! Before making a loan, carefully read all the nuances.