active Latvian campaigns
Summa:500౼25000 EUR
Termiņš: 12౼84 mēneši
Likme: 19.66౼41.23 % GPL
Vecums: 21౼75 gadi
Amount: 500౼25000 EUR
Term: 12౼84 months
Interest: 19.66౼41.23 % APR
Age: 21౼75 years
Piemērs: Iespējamie kredīta ikmēneša maksājumi tiek aprēķināti saskaņā ar šādiem pieņēmumiem: Aizdevuma summa 4 000 EUR. Aizdevuma termiņš 48 mēn. Procentu likme 1.70% mēnesī jeb 20.40% gadā. 48 ikmēneša maksājumi 122 EUR apmērā. Ikmēneša maksājumā ietverta kredīta pamatsumma un procenti. Kopējā komisijas maksa ir 10% no aizdevuma summas un tā vienādās daļās ir samaksājama visā aizdevuma termiņa laikā. Kreditēšanas nosacījumi katram klientam tiek piemēroti individuāli.
Mogo – always with you!
Consumer loan up to 12,000 euros for up to 7 years. Just 3 steps to money in your bank account! Indicate the desired loan amount, repayment period and your personal information! If the application is approved, you will receive a commercial offer, familiarize yourself with it and enter into an agreement, choosing the most convenient way to enter into an agreement! After concluding the agreement, receive funds into your bank account within 15 minutes.
If you need additional financial resources, do not wait and fulfill your desires right now! Apply for funding, fill out the application form and take action! If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact our friendly customer service representatives.
Phone: 37166900900
Website: mogo
Consumer loan
Money for all your needs. Consumer loan. From 500 to 12,000 euros. Without further ado. Apply online. Additional amount is available at any time.
Long-term loan to realize your desires and dreams
Financing is needed for large purchases, minor home renovations, or other expenses. We can help! Mogo now also offers personal loans to fulfill your desires, dreams and needs. Fill out the application and get a loan in just 15 minutes! No guarantors, statements or pledges. This is your chance to receive additional financial resources of up to 12,000 euros for up to 84 months. Apply by filling out the online application form!
Why should you choose a consumer loan for individuals at Mogo?
When issuing a consumer loan from Mogo, we offer favorable lending conditions for each client: Flexible and individual approach to each client, The service is available to citizens of the Republic of Latvia working in Latvia and abroad with official income, No collateral or complex application forms, Review and processing of the application within 15 minutes, Money in your bank account immediately after signing the contract, Possibility to apply for a consumer loan without leaving your home.

zacem pisatj o predastovleniji kredita dlja avtomabilja daze s neocenj xarosaj kreditnaj istoriej? kagda posle ofarmlenija nacenaetsja raznie njuansi, neukazani v obevleniji???
mesec pitajusj uze vzjatj masinu 5 porucitelej daze predastavil, nu vse nemogut daze kankretnava otveta datj 1)pocemu nemogut predastavitj 2)cto imena nuzna dlja etogo, i estj esjo mnoga raznix njuansov. moj savet neobrasaijtesj v etot filial, eta ubjet ujmu vasego vremja, i nedast nikakix polaziteljnix rezuljtatov, na katorie daze nesmogut datj otvet. estj mnoga raznix kantor poprobujte lutsi ix.
podal zajavku na ofarmlenija masini, predastavil vse neobxadimie spraavki. otkazali skazali nuzen porucitelj. predastavil s xarosaj kred istoriej s daxodami 6000 evra za 3 meseca, i tut net. ukazana cto vazmozna dajut daze s plaxoj istoriej. ja nedavolen. setaju cto eta kantora nesaotvetstvuet svajim ukazanijam v reklami, i savetuju vsem poiskatj kogonibudj prose. s uvazenijam anderej
Погасили досрочно кредит, а потом с удивлением узнала, что кредит не погашен, а эта сумма считалась как авансовый платеж. В итоге снова должны. Написали претензию. Нет ответа. Пойду до конца.
Скажите после изъятия автомобиля штрафные санкции были ??? Надо было платить что либо? ?
as mogo кредитная компания за 30 дней неуплаты без предупреждения изьяли автомобиль