active Lithuanian campaigns
Suma: 300౼5000 EUR
Terminas: 3౼36 mėnesių
Palūkanos: 22౼50 %
Amžius: 18౼65 metai
Amount: 300౼5000 EUR
Term: 3౼36 months
Interest: 22౼50 %
Age: 18౼65 years
Pavyzdys: Skolinantis 1000 eur, 36 mėn. laikotarpiui, metinė palūkanų norma 22%, mėnesinis administravimo mokestis — 1% nuo išduotos sumos, mėnesinė įmoka — 48.19 eur; bendra mokama suma — 1734.86 eur, bendra vartojimo kredito kainos metinė norma — 48.41%. Galimas paskolos terminas nuo 3 iki 36 mėn. Metinė palūkanų norma nuo 22% iki 50%.
PinCredit – Proper credit at the right time!
We will process your application very quickly using cutting edge technology. We are constantly improving the quality of customer service. The entire process of obtaining a loan takes place online. Credit information is constantly available in the client’s self-service system. We provide loans responsibly, assessing your needs and capabilities. Our activities are supervised by the Bank of Lithuania.
We take into account the needs of each client individually and help find the best solution. No hidden fees. No collateral. Transparent lending terms. We do not charge contract fees. Loans are provided on favorable terms and without collateral.
Phone: +370 678 34024
Website: pincredit
Who are loans issued to?
PinCredit evaluates each client’s application individually. Clients wishing to receive a loan must meet the following criteria: be a citizen of the Republic of Lithuania with a valid identity document; be between 18 and 65 years old, – have a bank account in Lithuania; have no overdue debts to other creditors; receive a stable and stable income for at least 4 months; available financial liabilities (other loans, leasing, mortgage, etc.) do not exceed 40% of income per month; will be able to repay the loan on time.
How much income do I need to get a loan?
A client applying for a loan must have a stable and stable income. Income must have been received at least in the last 4 months. The income must be received in Lithuania. If you receive income from sources other than salary (e.g. rent, self-employment, etc.), We will ask you to send proof of income by email (e.g. lease agreement, bank statement, income statement, etc.) .).
Can I get a loan if I work abroad?
Loans are issued only to clients earning income in Lithuania.
Does the spouse consent is required for the loan?
If the client takes out a loan for personal needs and indicates this in the application, the consent of the spouse is not required and the spouse’s income is not evaluated. To obtain a loan for the needs of a family, the consent of the spouse is required. In this case, all family income and liabilities are assessed.
Can I repay the loan ahead of schedule?
If you wish, you can repay the loan in whole or in part ahead of schedule. Please notify us before making such a return.