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active Estonian campaigns



Summa: 600౼20000 EUR
Periood: 12౼84 kuud
Aastaintress: 7.4౼36.15 % KKM
Vanus: 21౼65 aastat

Amount: 600౼20000 EUR
Term: 12౼84 months
Interest: 7.4౼36.15 % APR
Age: 21౼65 years

Laenunäide: Näiteks 5000€ laenamisel 48 kuuks, 5% intressiga, igakuise haldustasuga 0,4% laenusummalt (min. 7€), 135,15€ kuumaksega, tarbijakrediidi maksete kogusummaga 6487,03€, krediidi kulukuse määr 14,26%. Minimaalne krediidi kulukuse määr on 7.4% ning maksimaalne 36.15% aastas. Täpne määr selgub krediidivõimelisuse hindamise käigus. Oleme digitaalne rahvusvaheline pank, kes on edukalt põiminud kaasaegse tehnoloogia skandinaavialiku panganduse personaalsusega.

FjordBank – Choose the best loan offer!

Fjord Bank is a small bank with roots in Norway and Lithuania, which, after receiving a license from the European Central Bank, began active operations in the Lithuanian market at the beginning of 2021. The warm welcome and successful start inspired us to take further steps, and at the beginning of 2022 we entered the German market with our deposits, and in the fall of 2022 we entered the Estonian market with consumer loans.



We have deliberately built our bank in such a way that completing an application for a consumer loan is as convenient and fast as possible through digital channels, but at the same time you always have the opportunity to receive practical and friendly advice from us. Specialization helps us offer the best uptime and, most importantly, a favorable price for the client!

phone Phone: 661 6666
email Email:
web Website: fjordbank

How to submit an application?

You can apply for a consumer loan on our website: fill out an application, we will make you an offer, and if it suits you, we will sign the documents and transfer the amount to your personal bank account.

Who can apply for a loan?

The loan applicant must be between 21 and 65 years of age, his permanent place of residence must be in Estonia, he must have a good credit history and a regular net income of at least 600 euros per month.

How quickly are loan funds transferred?

In most cases, money is transferred on the day the contract is signed, in some cases the next day. However, we strive to transfer money no later than two business days after signing the contract.

How is the loan repaid?

The loan is repaid according to the payment schedule that is part of your agreement. You can also find your payment schedule in our self-service. You can also find payment information in your email inbox.

Can I transfer a larger amount than indicated in the payment schedule?

Sure you can! If a larger amount is transferred, the payment schedule is recalculated. A detailed overview of the schedule can be found in self-service.

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Every loan - it is a financial liability. Soberly assess your opportunities, borrow money responsibly! Before making a loan, carefully read all the nuances.