active Estonian campaigns
Summa: 2500౼1000000 EUR
Periood: 1౼60 kuud
Aastaintress: individuaalne
kuni 15000 € ilma tagatiseta
Amount: 2500౼1000000 EUR
Term: 1౼60 months
Interest: individual
up to 15000 € without collateral
Esitades taotluse, saadame Sulle koostöös 20 finantsasutusega tasuta kokkuvõtte Sinu ettevõttele sobivatest finantsvõimalustest. Furo platvorm koondab enda alla kõik Eesti tuntumad ja konkurentsivõimelisemad alternatiivfinantseerijad ning annab objektiivse ülevaate finantseermisvõimalusetest. Tänu sellele on Teil võimalik läbi ühe kiire ja lihtsa päringu saada konkureerivad ärilaenu pakkumised mitmelt erinvalt finantseerijalt, hoides tänu sellele ka mõne tunni jagu aega ja vaeva kokku.
Business loan – comparison of the best offers for your company!
In partnership with 20 financial institutions, we compare business loans for free to find the right business loan for your company. The Furo platform brings together all of Estonia’s most renowned and competitive alternative financiers and provides an objective overview of financing options. This allows you to receive competitive business loan offers from several different financiers with one quick and easy request, saving you hours of time and effort.
Based on the offers you receive, you can compare which financial partner/provider will suit you best – you make the decisions throughout the entire process. Since no two companies are alike, the offers are always based on your current situation, financial indicators, history and creditworthiness. However, each provider’s terms and conditions vary to a greater or lesser extent, and this is where Furo’s goal is to help you find the right choice.
Phone: (+372) 66 70 124
Email: info@furo.ee
Website: furo
What are the terms of a business loan?
The terms of a business loan may vary depending on the lender, but typically a loan term of up to 60 months is offered. The loan amount and interest rate depend on the financial condition of the company and collateral, if any.
Do you need collateral for your business?
Yes and no. You can apply for both unsecured and secured business loans. An unsecured loan is usually for a smaller amount and shorter term, although you can get a larger loan amount and a longer term secured business loan.
How to choose the right business loan?
When choosing the right business loan, you should consider the loan terms, interest rates, repayment period, and possible collateral requirements. It is also important to consider how quickly the funding will be needed and which lender can provide the best solution based on the company’s needs.
Can a business loan be used for any business purpose?
Yes, in most cases a business loan can be used for any business purpose that helps the business grow or improve its financial health. However, it is important to check the terms of the specific lender, as some may impose restrictions on the use of the loan.